In this linked video, we can see that just by saving the bin file in the NUCLEO disc character, ST-LInk will automatically brush the program into NUCLEO, and then NUCLEO restarts to run the ...
Posted on May 24, 2018 at 14:07The following is CubeMX generated code (STM32L051) for TIM interrupts. I am interested in the capture callback from a different TIM channel configured for IC but I am also getting OC_Delay and PWM_PulseFinished callba...
i am getting error transmit error while using CAN in normal mode so if any work on that please let me know how to resolve thank you in advanced
STM32F765VIT6 code compiled with KEIL MDK5.26.2.0 tool and verified error when downloading firmware with J-Link V9"error:flash download failed - cortex-M7"
I wanted to output Vrefint to PB1 from stm32l100 in one of my project. I followed the procedure in RM0038 Reference manual Page 201Set the VREFOUTEN bit in COMP_CSR.Close the analog switch of I/Os in group 3 by setting CH8 or CH9 in RIASCR1.So I di...
I have a heavily modified example running in my 746 Discovey board. I want to have UART6 running on pins PC6 and PC7. Mainly because those pins are easy to reach. Both pins are at 3.3V now. That is the problem. It would be nice to know for example in...
This has been discussed in two other threads, one brought up by someone else and another by myself when I thought I found a solution but it ended up being a fake solution.
Posted on July 08, 2018 at 12:58I'm trying to debug a project in TrueStudio, but get this error message during flashing:... which is the ''load'' instruction of the startup script.I think the cause of this error is, that the flash size of my program...
int main(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */ /* USER CODE END 1 */ /* MCU Configuration----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the Systick. */ HAL_Ini...