STM32 series MCU communication with Apache Kafka
Hi Team, Will STM32 series controllers support communication with Apache Kafka server, if so can I get the library file for the same.
Hi Team, Will STM32 series controllers support communication with Apache Kafka server, if so can I get the library file for the same.
I found that MCO2 output when derived from PLLI2SR doesn't work on STM32F769IGT6. I've selected as HSE input 10 MHz xtal that is running fine and using the following clock configuration (.ioc can be found in attachment):Why is that? I didn't find so ...
I'm trying to erase a single page of flash memory at 0x0800F800 (on a 64kB STM32F103C8T6) by using the following code, which runs from RAM:while(FLASH->SR & FLASH_SR_BSY); FLASH->CR = FLASH_CR_PER; FLASH->AR = 0x0800F800; FLASH->CR |= FLASH_CR_STRT; ...
I need ask about this part"STC04DE170HV"if it is valid part number or not as this is found in mouser database as ST number
Does anyone has any ideas what component might cause short circuit?
I try to flash using st-link v2 but it show the error message. In my design I cant able to access the Boot 0 and Boot1 pins so no possibility to go for DFU mode.Please give any solution to flash using st-linkV2 kmani@kmani:~$ st-flash erase2018-09-25...
Hello,In the RM0433 (rev 3) the DBGMCU_APB4FZ1 offset is incorrectly marked in the detail section.It is 0x04C and should be 0x054.The register summary is correct. But if somebody is using the detail section - can make an error.BTW: What does the LS s...
I have installed VCP_V1.5.0 Setup for Windows 7 and 8, but neither works. Please help. Is there a separate driver for Windows 10?
Hi What is the best way of resetting the STM32L4 processor using registers? ThanksScott
On this site is stated that the STM32L431CC 48-Pin Package has an SDMMC interface... when have a closer look to the HW Manual, the AF functions are only avail at PORT C and PORT D... witch im...