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Forum Posts

SPI slave configuration

Hi to all,I'm dealing with SPI interface in slave mode and I am experience some problem in communication.I am using a ST32F030 MCU and I enabled RXNEIE interrupt for receiving data. Hereafter is the code:CONFIGURATIONRCC->APB2ENR |= RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1E...

Issue with f_write function (STM32F769I EVAL)

Hello everyone,I have a problem with my code. I'm trying to write a program to take picture from camera and save it as motion jpeg video (MJPEG) in to USB. I build already the header and the structure of MJPEG file but it's really weird when I try to...


Audio_playback_and_record example (STM32F4 Discovery)

Hi. First , I'm not good at English.​​I am testing an example of Audio_palyback_and_recorder of STM32f4 Discovery.​In the i2S setting of the microphone,​ hAudioInI2s.Init.AudioFreq = 2 * AudioFreq; where, AudioFreq = 16K​Why did you multiply 2?​A...

slee.121 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F7, FMC_SDRAM_DataMemory Example Issue

Hi,I tested FMC_SDRAM_DataMemory Example of STM32F769I_EVAL.I found out that the data written to SDRAM is not correct.See below picture for your checking. I believe HAL and FMC driver in system_stm32f7xx.c is not correct. Please advise me how to ma...
