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Forum Posts

How to use PA15 on STM32F302RD?

Hey,I can't access PA15 with the STM32F302RD µC. It's obv used for JTDI but it's possible to change this mode (if I can trust the reference manuel). With the "flexible SWJ-DP pin assignment" I have to change the mode to "JTAG-DP Disabled and SW-DP En...

External (Timer) trigger for regular ADC channel

Hi everyone!So as the title suggest I would like to get some help for my STM32F303 Microcontroller.In the application Timer1 is used to turn an external pin ON and OFF at a constant frequency, while ADC4 is used to read some feedback with the same fr...

SzIsti by Associate II
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problem with dfuse

Posted on August 12, 2011 at 10:20Hi,    I am currently developing a PC application for STM32 using Inemo board.The PC application will be able to upgrade the firmware of the STM32 using Dfu mode. Iam using Visual studio for the PC side appli...

Resolved! What is the reset value of GPIOx_MODER?

According to RM0433 rev 5 section 10.4.1, the reset values are 0xABFFFFFF for port A, 0xFFFFFEBF for port B, and 0xFFFFFFFF for all the others. This appears to agree with the bits shown in the register table at the end of the chapter. However, in the...

CHead by Associate III
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STM32 - ATA read/write

Well, i need to read data from the hardware that uses ATA interface, my mcu is stm32f407, all is came in my mind is to make software implementaion by bitbang the pins, but ATA has 16 bits data interface, therefore ill need to bitbang each pin connect...

Unknown Usb Device

HiI configured Usb HID Device libraries for my stmF042k..but windows says Usb device not recognised. since F042k dont have a dedicated user usb,so here is my scheme i connected a usb cable to my stm..i left the power cable open because i am not sure ...

asim khan by Associate III
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