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Forum Posts

Does CAN Masking truly mask all unwanted CAN IDs?

I'm working on the STM32F1 device and have been reading the CAN filtering and masking process. I now understand how the ID mask and filter works. I do have one question though as in certain cases I'm unsure if the filter would work 100% correctly.If ...

daithi62 by Associate II
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STM32 ADC sync with PWM

​Dear whom have expericenced STM32 MCUs (STM32F411),In my target device, ADC timing control is very important. In executing ADC in STM32 MCU,  can it be fully synchronized with PWM generated from STM32 MCU?I'd like to use PWM signal as start trigger ...

HKwon by Associate
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HSE startup timeout on STM32F103RET7

I'm new to the STM32 so I apologize in advance for the trivial question.In the following code from SetSysClockTo72() system_stm32f10x.c, the value for HSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT is 0x0500.  What max delay (msec) does this equate to? /* Wait till HSE is read...

DMath by Associate
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STM32F429 shorted unexpectedly

I was working on the MCU STM32F429 while it was connected to the PCB when it shorted unexpectedly. The PCB at the time wasn't being used to power the board, or drive the motors. The Power source was my laptop and no external batteries. The USB cable ...

RDHIN by Associate
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Having issues with using simultaneous timers

In my nucleo L432KC, I have set Timer 1 for PWM generation, Timer 15 as a timer based interrupt and Timer 2 as PWM input mode. Timer 1 and Timer 15 works well until a point. For example, I wanted a 50 kHz update event, so I set Timer 15 Precaler 0 an...

xpp07 by Senior
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