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RFID EM4095 - Can't read

I'm using RFID EM4095 with my STM32 microprocessor, i'm trying to read the RFID card but i always get bad synchSTM32 Clocks -> 16MHZ ,32KHZDMOD_OUT ->PB3, rdyclk -> PA15I'm using 2 interrupts for DMOUD_OUT, RDY_CLK signalAlgorithm1.wait for falling e...

mbara by Associate
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IAP check condition before jumping to application.

I'm using STM32L4S5 to develop an IAP application following the example provided on STM32L4CubeV1.11.0 under STM32L476G-EVAL directory.Following the code bellow, before jumping to the Application region, we have to check if the content of the first a...

MELMA by Associate
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Changing SPI modes with HAL

Hi,I am using a DAC which takes data in 24 bit format, 8 control bits and 16 data. I currently have two seperate large 8 bit and 16 bit arrays.I want to change between modes on the fly before each transfer using SPI_DATASIZE_8BIT / 16BIT, but it stay...

Matt G by Associate II
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Resolved! ADC error in reading voltage

Hi everyone,I'm having troubles with the internal ADC (STM32F072CBTX): a significant offset is present in the values provided by the converter. I performed a set of test measurments on the ADC: the results are shown in Table1.jpg.Where:Vmis is the vo...

MCivo by Associate
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Resolved! Board support package for STM3240G-EVAL board.

Hi,I am using Keil V5.26.2.0. Although I have installed DFP for my particular MCU, from where I may get bsp for my board. Please be gentle guys, I am pretty new to the world of MCUs.Cheers and a happy dayTahir

MRana by Associate II
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Setting DAC1 ch1 DAC2 ch1 on STM32F303k8

ST community,The issue I’m having is getting DAC2 to work, DAC1 works great. I’m using TrueStudio no HAL, everything setup manually. I’m receiving data from PC to mic USART then adjusting Vout on DAC1 and hopefully DAC2. The main question is I can’t ...

BBuch by Associate
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How to re-Mount SD-Card after pulling out SD-Card.

I can't re-mount SD-Card after pulling out and inserting SD-Card again.It shows "FR_DISK_ERR" when error occurs.Please let me know if there is anything I have to follow.I have CubeMX ver 4.22, FreeRTOS and HAL Driver.=================================...

spark.72 by Associate
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trying to understand systick and timer at STM32L1xx

Posted on March 19, 2014 at 08:26Hello,I'm using STM32L152 discovery board.I'm trying to define systick for 100mSec, and tim2 to 1 sec.After measuring the pin togeling with scope, this is what I came up with:I know SystemCoreClock is 32MHz.For systi...

zoharr by Associate II
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