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Forum Posts

Time-stamp by chaining two STM32 timers.

Hello Everyone,I have a requirement to track time and generate timestamps when an event occurs. I have tried time_base, input capture methods and trying with chaining two timers now.I wanted to know if it is possible to chain 2 timers in STM32L0 and ...

Interfacing stm32f1 with GSM

I am trying to interface GSM with my ARM controller [stm32f103c8t6].I knew a little about the working of GSM, - By sending the "AT" command to GSM, it will respond with a "OK" message.Before interfacing GSM with arm, i learned how to use HAL_uart fun...

Bud by Associate III
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Plotting the accelerometer data acquired from LSM6DSL

Hi everyone. I want to use SWV on my TRUE STUDIO project to view my accelerometer data coming from LSM6DSL module. Data rate is 416 Hz and i'm using 4 wire SPI to get this data. SPI speed is 2.66 MHz. But when i turn on SWV, data are plotted very slo...

N ORhan by Associate III
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ADC on STM32L011 Nucleo ?

Dear STM32 Members,I try to sample 200Hzand I need sampling time 500uSI used to code from :\STM32Cube_FW_L0_V1.11.0\Projects\NUCLEO-L011K4\Examples\ADC\ADC_LowPowerMy STM32L011K Nucleo setting:CPU Clock =2MHzADC Clock = 2MHzTimer = 30 kHz AdcHandle....