Resolved! STM32F7 : consumption versus frequency
Hello,I dont find a graphic "consumption versus frequency" to have an idea of the slope.I am looking for different modes like run, sleep, stop and standby.Thanks for help,
Hello,I dont find a graphic "consumption versus frequency" to have an idea of the slope.I am looking for different modes like run, sleep, stop and standby.Thanks for help,
Hi, I'm new to this environment. I try never to ask questions on forums but I've been stuck for over a week. I set up a blue pill board and tried a simple SPI setup of a single 74HC595 and a single 74HC165. I got the 595 working great with this code....
I am using Stm32F411RCT chip and using BMP280 pressure sensor * 2 ea and hdc1080 * 1ea. I made the code for three sensors to act as a polling.however, in order to reduce the amount of time that data is read and written, I am changing that function...
I'm using stm32h753-eval, when I use LTDC demo, if i use BSP_LCD_Clear(LCD_COLOR_WHITE) , the program will crash. I need help, thank you very much
Posted on May 04, 2018 at 00:04Hi, I'm thinking in replace a STM32F7 with a STM32H7 on two board that has normal CAN-2.0 transceivers. I would like to know if it will work for CAN-FD frames, keeping the baud below 1 Mbps. Ari.
Title pretty much says it all. According p. 21 in the DCMI information document (link at bottom), the board supports the interface, and I'm supposed to connect the camera through the GPIO pins. But I've found no mention of how to do this in the board...
Hi.We use a STM32F431 in a project and need to add/include a MCU-port to generate a fixed 200kHz output signal to our target-HW. Many pins on our LQFP64 are already used, so I hope I can use PB6 (TIM16_CH1N) for that purpose.Q1: How can I set up a (p...
Hi - this should be trivial ...From I did:1) Pushed the "Get software" button to download the "STM32CubeF4 ".2) Selected "Open" (I guess) …3) Extracted the ZIP-file to default path ("Extract To...
Hi , I have an application that streams multiple audio sources over USB device Audio class to PC. The PC detects audio device and the streams work.I'm building hardware based on X-CUBE-MEMSMIC1 and don't want to use a second micro ( st-link ((stm32f0...
Hi(All?) my nucleo board(s) is/are detected as a USB device in windows. I can drag and drop a firmware binary on them. And the Firmware is automatically updated after power cycling the board. I want to design my own board and use the USB to update t...