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Hello All,I am using STM32F030C8, with ST-LINK V2 debugger & Keil V5 IDE.While working on my application, I found two cases, where some logic / functionalities works properly only if we are using debug session. Else, those functionalities doesn't wor...
Hi,Previously, we had a customized board based on STM32F030C6.It worked very well and it runs the main code, just after we finish loading the main flash memory, with new code (without pressing RESET key).Due to some memory constrains, we replaced STM...
I need to interface ILE9341V TFT display with STM32F030C6 MCU.My project hardware has only 3 wires (CSX, SDA and SCL) from the display side.By referring the TFT display's datasheet, I found that I have to use 3-wire 9-bit mode only (to be compatible ...
According to AN2606 (STM32 microcontroller system memory boot mode), Section 4.3, we require a 'HOST' peripheral, to communicate with STM32 MCU, in order to get new firmware from the peripheral (while booting from System Memory).Flowchart from Sectio...
Hi, It may sound like a minor query to many of you, but can any one explain me what are 'UserType' and 'UserConfig' parameters in FLASH_OB_UserConfig() API ?Some how I can't get their meanings.I am working on STM32L432KB and want my system to boot fr...