Posted on January 18, 2018 at 01:29In STM32F446xC/E DS rev.6, Table 10. STM32F446xx pin and ball descriptions, SPDIF-Rx input pins are named SPDIFRX_IN0, SPDIFRX_IN1, SPDIFRX_IN2, SPDIFRX_IN3.In the same DS, Table 11. Alternate function, the same pi...
IWDG of STM32F103 work in hardware watchdog mode, by set MCU's option bytes.My question is "Once the option byte wrote, software need not start the IWDG by code, even after many times reset ( include software reset , PVD reset, IWDG reset) IWDG is ...
Posted on March 15, 2018 at 11:03Hello there, Using the BSP example code I have composed a function for reading data from an external QSPI flash memory. Here it is: I am facing a peculiar problem at the moment. When I r...
I wanna my design can back to working after EMC shocks.So I plan to use Hardware watchdog , with followed code under ucOS*************************** usrOption = FLASH_GetUserOptionByte(); if( (usrOption&OB_IWDG_SW) != 0) { FLASH_Unlock(); FLASH_Er...
I am using an STM32F429FI Nucleo board, and not able to communicate over UART with the confiiguration having 0.5 Stop bits and DMA being enabled.Is this a valid configuration? Data sheet suggests use of 0.5 Stop bits with SmartCard mode does it mean ...
Hi,I'm using STM32F722RET, and I'm trying to do ADC sampling of 3 channels using DMA with a timer trigger.I configured the following:ADC:hadc1.Instance = ADC1; hadc1.Init.ScanConvMode = ADC_SCAN_ENABLE; hadc1.Init.ContinuousConvMode = ENABLE; hadc1.I...
Posted on May 12, 2015 at 01:12 So in `SD_PowerON` there is a comment at the bottom that says `/* else MMC Card */`. `hsd->CardType` is never set to `MULTIMEDIA_CARD` which is defined in `stm32f4xx_hal_sd.h`, and read in `HAL_SD_WideBusOperation_Co...
Hi can i use the same uart as my JTAG debugger uses to communicate with my Lidar i am using nucleo-64 board.It is uses pins PA2 and PA3 to load the program?
Hey everyone,I am outputting a waveform via TIM2 CCR1 stored in an array and transferred via circular DMA access.The timer is configured for output compare so that whenever a match occurs, a dma request is generated and the next value is fetched from...