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Forum Posts

ADC on STM32L011 Nucleo ?

Dear STM32 Members,I try to sample 200Hzand I need sampling time 500uSI used to code from :\STM32Cube_FW_L0_V1.11.0\Projects\NUCLEO-L011K4\Examples\ADC\ADC_LowPowerMy STM32L011K Nucleo setting:CPU Clock =2MHzADC Clock = 2MHzTimer = 30 kHz AdcHandle....

How to recover from DAC - DMAUDR ?

Hello,I use DAC with DMA on STM32F439 (Nucleo board). Now it happens that I create a DAC trigger although all DMA data is sent, ie NDTR has already reached zero. Therefore DMAUDR gets set. When I want to start a new DAC - DMA run I get an unwanted DM...

Single stepping doesn't run in order

I am single stepping through simple code. I have two similar similar lines in a loop. Single stepping only goes to the last of those lines. This is STM32F746 Discovery and Keil IDE.while(9) { if(HAL_UART_Transmit(&UartHandle, (uint8_t*)"\0", 1, 500...

LMI2 by Lead
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GSM library for Contiki OS on STM32F411RET6

Posted on March 19, 2018 at 07:52Hello,I've integrated the following some changes) ,along with client on STM32F411RET6. I'm using a h...

SMT32L4 USART Vs LPUART Power Consumption

Hi,We using stdio for debug output in an Mbed OS app. I don't think Mbed OS is particularly relevant to my question. It's just some simple output without flow control or anything fancy.Currently we're using USART2 for our debug output. USART2 wasn't ...

MBrow.13 by Associate II
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STM32H7 USB_OTG_HS internal DMA not working

Hey,I am trying to get the internal DMA of my USB HS interface to work. I am using an USB3320 as my ULPI transceiver connected as Device. I have no trouble using the USB interface without the internal DMA, however, it is extremely slow. I only get ab...

P.R. by Associate II
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