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Forum Posts

STM32 HAL NAND flash library bug

Posted on May 04, 2015 at 02:31I found a bug in stm32f4xx_hal_nand.c module, in ''HAL_NAND_Read_Page'' function!Need to change this line: *(__IO uint8_t *)((uint32_t)(deviceAddress | ADDR_AREA)) = 0x00; to this: *(__IO uint8_t *)((uint32_t)(deviceAd...

[How to] Design a capacitive touch sensor

Each touch sensor features 2 sets of electrodes: the Transmitting ones (also known as Tx, or the driving electrodes, or simply X electrodes) and the Receiving ones (also known as Rx, or the sensing electrodes or simply Y electrodes).Electrodes are us...

PAram by Associate II
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(many) DMAs to GPIO

Hello!I have to build a system that throws data simultaneously to 6 16-bit ports. It should be bit-accurate, so I was thinking about preparing all the DMA channels with one single timer, and when everything is ready, start the timer. I already did th...

Resolved! How to generate hex file in True Studio? not elf.

size of elf file and hex file is different for same code hex file size is small so in true studio use elf file thats why i get error FLASH' overflowed by 156416 bytes C/C++ Problemif both file generate then also gives same error so only HEX file not ...

0690X000006D1VgQAK.bmp 0690X000006D1VWQA0.jpg

GT811 Touchscreen Not Working

Posted on December 09, 2016 at 17:12Hi,After playing with the STM32F746G Discovery for a while I decided to get a Waveshare OPEN746I-C kit with a 7 inch LCD with capacitive touchscreen as I wanted a bigger screen and access to more of the pins.I've ...

STM32 external oscillator tcxo

Posted on March 02, 2015 at 01:34Hello,I would like to give external oscillators (TCXO, VCXO, etc) a try as HSE but can't find any diagram or documentation about it regarding STM32(F427). Could you please help with these three questions : OSC_IN ...

yada2 by Associate II
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