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Not really an "ask", but more an FYI...I only just now encountered this and see it's relatively new, relating to binutils 2.39...References:"The executable segment w...
I'm trying to wrap my head around HAL_GPIO_EXTI_IRQHandler...Why is only the "Pin" used in the parameter, and not the "Port". Really, why not both?According to en.DM00031020.pdf page 382 section 12.2.5 "External interrupt/event line mapping", it appe...
I wanted to see what would happen when I set the prescaler for an interrupt lower and lower.My expectation was that the main loop would lose out on it's share of processing time, but I was surprised when the results of my test were mixed.Essentially,...
I started learning about it while playing with WWDG_Example from STM32446E_EVAL.I can enable WWDG and tie it to my EXTI button on my Discovery board.The board will reset when the button is pressed and __HAL_RCC_GET_FLAG(RCC_FLAG_WWDGRST) == RESET.Wha...