User Activity

Hello! I'm working on project requaring CAN node. I decided to quckly check if the periphery is configured correcltly. For this purpose I connected two pull-ups resistors to Rx and Tx pins and tried to see some bits on the oscilloscope.I configured G...
Hi everyone! I faced with a problem, when I was trying to start debugin process. I connected my PCB with STM32f072C8T6 to PC, downloaded a programm. It was successfuly done. Then I tryed to start debug mode, but IDE showed the next message: "no sourc...
Hello, dear collegues!Please help me with I2C!I use I2C to transfer data between 2 controllers: STM32F051C8T6 and STM32F100RB.When I use laboratory power supply, it works without some problems. But when I use external power supply based on the pulse ...
Hello, dear collegues!Please help me with I2C!I use I2C to transfer data between 2 controllers: STM32F051C8T6(Master) and STM32F100C8T6 (Slave). When I use laboratory power supply, it works without some problems. But when I use external power supply ...