How to print logs for B-L475E-IOT01 board ?
I am using STM32CubeMx to generate default files to build with Makefile. I edited the main.c to print some logs using printf. I am unable to see the same logs in the serial. Am I missing anything ?
I am using STM32CubeMx to generate default files to build with Makefile. I edited the main.c to print some logs using printf. I am unable to see the same logs in the serial. Am I missing anything ?
hello! I was devolving my project on the "STM3220xG eval-board" (based on controller "STM32F207IGH6"). Now as my custom made controller board is ready (based on "STM32F205ZGT6"), I ported my code for it by changing in peripheral's Pin-numbers and Ke...
Posted on September 28, 2017 at 06:50HI.Now I'm trying to implement TIM into the STM32F429i-DISCO kit.But I need to help how to calculate the prescaler and period value for user?As I know currently I used 180Mhz as system clock. and I want to set TI...
I have generated a project in CubeMx and then opened it in truestudio. When attempting to compile and debug the project I receive this error complaining about my debug script (hmm). I've attached the server log.The project is for a NUCLEO-L476RG boar...
Hello there. I am trying to implement a USB HID driver for the STM32F1 series. I tried several generic examples of Android USB HID drivers on the web, but none of them seem to work with what we have. I was wondering, how would I approach implement...
My UART works well in normal mode, but when I want to analyze callbacks for Rx in debug mode it doesn't work properly. I mean when I set breakpoint at HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback and I'will send bytes from terminal, debugger stops at this callback and do...
Hello,I have a very simple code. A two byte array that I need to send over SPI.uint8_t my_array[2]; my_array[0] = 0x10; my_array[1] = 0x01; HAL_SPI_Transmit(&hspi1, my_array, 2, SPI_TIME_OUT); // or HAL_SPI_Transmit(&hspi1, my_array, 1, SPI_TIME_O...
Hi,we want to use the built-in CAN bootloader of a STM32L476. We experienced some strange behaviour while testing with a nucleo board, which we could partly fix.First of all, after a write command, sometimes two ACK are sent, the data is also written...
Hi,i'm wondering if there is an easy solution for using nucle board as field programmer over SWD interface. I would like to programm blank stm32 device directly from nucleo board using external flash or stm32 device content. It should be done over on...
Hello Experts, I am trying to integrate the "STM32 Cryptographic Library" to my application. Before that I wanted to get the library working on the "STM32L475 EVM (B-L475E-IOT01A2)". But am unable to get it working. The following function call doe...