hi,i am new to embedded programming and i have a problem and i appreciate any help.I have a firmware which works on stm32f103c6 .We had to replace the controller with an other to get more space for the flash Rom and that was the stm32f103cbt6,they a...
Actually I did not purchase one yet. I know I have to choose one with a bootloader CAN include like a STM32F412.Is there a GUI who allow a drag & drop to flash the board, using CAN ?I saw that STM32CubeProgrammer should be update to allow to flash th...
HAL_GPIO_Init should beHAL_GPIO_Init(GPIO_TypeDef *GPIOx, const GPIO_InitTypeDef *GPIO_Init);This applies to all HAL-Versions I've seen - probably all.
Hi,I'm using Blue Pill board (STM32F103C8 with USB bootloader updated - generic_boot20_pc13.bin). I'm connecting Blue Pill board directly to laptop using USB cable (i.e., without using any ST-Link V2 Programming Unit).I'm using TrueSTUDIO IDE without...
I'm writing an SDMMC driver for my C++ RTOS - http://distortos.org/ - and there is one thing which really puzzles me, making it hard to decide about class hierarchy. In the Reference Manual for STM32F7 (but the same is true for other chips, both for ...
Good morning, I wanted to ask a question about the I2C interface.In particular on the routing of the pcb, I have a micro STM32 that is the master for i2c bus, then there are 2 slaves on the board and a connector to allow the connect of a third.The qu...
I have generated complementary PWM signal on STM32L496ZGtx. I used TIM1CH1 and TIM1CH1N. I am using one pulse mode so that every 1 second, I generate complementary signal. However one channel starts at active HIGH and another starts at active LOW. Ho...
Hi,I'm running RTC on LSI Clock and transmitting data via UART2 but the RTC is not displaying updated values but while on reset it is showing updated values as shown in below image.Thanks & Regards,Vijay Rakesh.// Gobal Variable's RTC_HandleTypeDef ...
The chip I am using is STM32F100C8T6. I want to generate a sine wave with 40Khz between 0 to 2V ,but I cant't get correct frequency. I have finished reading STM32F100 datasheet (RM0041) and AN3126,AN4566. After that,I am writing a program based on t...