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We are using the VL53L0X sensors in their default configuration supplied out of the factory. We run VL53L0X_DataInit() on the sensors and then every 100ms call VL53L0X_PerformSingleRangingMeasurement(Device, &measure). Upon return, we check measure.R...
I have an application running on an stm23F0-discovery the code is quite simple:HAL_Init();SystemClock_Config()while(1);The code is  built and debugged using IAR workbench 7.5The discovery clock config uses the internal HSI 8mHZ clock source. I have a...
Posted on June 06, 2017 at 01:03We are using an STM32F469 in our design. We also utilize the device's DSI interface to a 400X400 LCD (round). We are clocking the micro with a 16MHZ crystal and producing a SYSCLK of 180MHZ. All is good. Now, I am slo...
Posted on March 12, 2017 at 18:33I can't seem to get TIM1's CC channel 1 ISR to fire. FanTimerHandle.Instance =TIM1;  memset(&sConfig, 0, sizeof(sConfig));  /* Initialize TIMx peripheral as follow:       + Period = 0xFFFF       + Prescaler = 0      ...
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