2015-03-21 7:09 AM
I am newbie to stm32. On nucleo401 board i want to use six analog inputs together. ST suggest that we should use stm32cube (HAL) instead of Standard Peripheral Library. But i can't find the example of multichannel adc using dma with st32cube HAL Library. I tried myself but my example did not work. There are some examples in stm32cubef4 but all of them are using only 1 channel. Please provide me the multichannel adc working example using HAL.
#nucleo-adc2015-03-22 4:59 AM
FInally i solved this. There was a bug related to SCAN MODE ENable in HAL ADC
2019-03-14 8:51 AM
can you share your project for me?
I want read 2 pins ADC use DMA but i can not
Please help me
2019-03-15 12:22 AM
I have made this repo public. You can check file