How to change to com port?
When connecting the 32L152C-Discovery board, it looks like STLink Dongle. How do I change the STLink Dongle to COM PORT?
When connecting the 32L152C-Discovery board, it looks like STLink Dongle. How do I change the STLink Dongle to COM PORT?
Hey! i just jumped from AVR8bit MCU's to STM32 and obviously i'm having issues with just about everything when it comes to design PCB, i try to keep it short.Boot0 and Boot1 pins should be jumpered to give me access to bootloader right?(regardless if...
After installing CubeProgrammer 1.3 on Windows 10 I can't start the programmer. Splashscreen is shown for a half second and thats it. The programm will not be started.There is no eventlog entry and no running task. CubeMX 5.0.0 is running fine. CubeP...
Hello sir! I want to connect single ADC with 2 channels and associated with DMA. But the DMA memory is allocated properly and ADC is not sampling the signal properly. is there any additional configuration to connect ADC with DMA?
Posted on October 05, 2010 at 15:20TIM2 encoder mode - please help !
My code works fine without interrupt (I tried polling the ADC value) but when I enabled the interrupt, it didn't work - while debugging in Keil, it never reaches the ADC_IRQHandler(), Also I found that the EOC flag is always set(in the while loop)Thi...
Hi,I am using an F746-DISCO board and would like to know the official or unofficial of flashing this board with a bin file.My preferred operating systems are OSX or Linux. I have successfully built and deployed on the 476 low power board and the Iot...
OK, I'm going crazy. stm32f4xx_hal_def.h is included in just about every file. Defined in this header is Hal_StatusTypeDef - Not found when compiled. I made no changes that could have impacted this. Prior to Hal_StatusTypeDef not being found, I ha...
Hello All,I have an STM32L486 and use the SPI3 to connect a SPI flash device.The code uses CubeMX L4 1.13 HAL SPI and seems to work.But after reflash or reboot the SPI returns only 00h values.After an power on reboot it looks all fine.I compared in t...