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Forum Posts

SPI problem with STM32L496 and package 1.13.0

Hello,after updating STM32Cube​MX 4.27.0 with package 1.13.0 for STM32L4 I have a problem with SPI communication. I've replaced the file stm32l4xx_hal_spi.c with the old from 1.12.0 and it works.Can you check if there is any bug in stm32l4xx_hal_spi....

SStor by Senior
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Problems using UART with DMA

Hello,I'm logging the speed of a motor and I want to transmit some amount of informatio to the computer using the UART. The conversion of the sprintf is good but I have problems only when I'm using more than one time the function HAL_UART_Transmit_DM...

Raül G by Associate II
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