User Activity

Hi,I use STM32L476QE.I want to use the entire RAM (96KB SRAM1 and 32KB SRAM2) as one continuous memory, is that possible?I use IAR
Hi,I try to test the MotionAW algorithm, but the MCU gets stuck at MotionAW_Initialize()I use STM32L476QE, with IAR version 8.22 (DSP is enabled in the project settings as well as FPU).I added MotionAW200_CM4F_IAR8_ot.a and motion_aw.h to the project...
Hi,In my system I use STM32L476.In order to save power once every second, when heavy processing is done, I switch to PLL 80MHz, the rest of the time I use MSI clock at 32MHz.In order to have a stable SysTick I update the reload value of the SysTick a...
Hi all,Using STM32L476.I had some issues with LSE (ready flag is never set), and so I experimented with different capacitors.During our experimentation I tried to intentionally cause the LSE to fail (never mind why) by touching its capacitors with my...
Hi,Our device sometimes turns on from Standby by itself. The only wakeup sources enabled are a couple of wakeup pins.I saw the device reset (from standby) by itself, and the PINRSTF flags in RCC->CSR was set. The reset pin has 100nF capacitor to Gnd ...
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