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I have started writing an i2c driver for the stm32f051c8 and have stumbled upon an issue.The code i use to test a very basic version is: RCC->AHBENR|= 1<<18; // gpio clock enable gpiob RCC->APB1ENR|= 1<<21; // enable i2c1 clock GPIOB->MODER|= 2<<1...
I am using a stm32f407 and i use this code inside a loop:/* Mount SD Card */ if(f_mount(&fs, "", 0) != FR_OK) _Error_Handler(__FILE__, __LINE__); /* Open file to write */ if(f_open(&fil, "first.txt", FA_OPEN_ALWAYS | FA_READ | FA_WRITE) ...
I'm trying to communicate between the nucleoh743 (master mode) and a TDC GP22 slave chip but came across this issue:I am expecting to read 0x27 but i always get 0x26. All the other bits from this 1 byte are correct so i was wondering if there somethi...
I am trying to code the stm32h743 for spi communication and i can't seem to transmit. I am using PA5 as SCK and PD7 as MOSI. I read the procedure required that is in the reference manual (49.4.9
However the .h file is read only. What is going on? What have i done wrong? I've attached the tree from IAR. thanks
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