Hello,Is it possible to use STM32F746 based application with STM32H743 board ?What we actually need is to use SAFERTOS with stm32h743.The problem is that HighIntegritySystems seems to provide safeRTOS demos only with STM32H7 (according to their web s...
Hi there,I have an FTDI USB-Serial cable connected to a NUCLEO F413ZH. I am running the UART_Printf example from STM32CUBE_FW_F4_V1.18.0 in Keil but am not getting any output in my serial terminal (PuTTy).I have connected the USB-Serial cable to the ...
how i can configure my project to make a relocatable application , i use the IAR workbench.i activated the --ROPI option in IAR Optionsi modified the .s file as follow :MODULE ?cstartup ;; Forward declaration of sections. SECTION C...
Hi,I want to ensure SPI communication between STM32F407VG board and Eval-STPM34 metrology board , i am trying to read just a register of the Eval-STPM34 but i always fail , i used these pins to ensure the SPI communication :STM32 -----> EVAL-STPM34MO...
Hello everyone,I am working on RTC of STM32F042C6. But I have a calibration problem. This is my measurement mechanism:For example: I’m measuring a +23,2 ppm error. I’m writing the value 24 (+23,2 ppm / 0,954 = 24 clocks) for the CALM bits of the CALR...
I cannot find any schematics, what kind of crystal. I want to connect 20 MHz. It seems it is as high as it can go. The datasheet does not say exactly what o connect.Some of the STM have two pins to connect extearnal oscillator but this one has just o...
Hello, dear collegues!Please help me with I2C!I use I2C to transfer data between 2 controllers: STM32F051C8T6 and STM32F100RB.When I use laboratory power supply, it works without some problems. But when I use external power supply based on the pulse ...
Trying to send over USART1 at 19200 bit/s.USART is resting in receive mode (RE==1, TE==0).After switching to transmit mode (TE:=1, RE:=0), we observe a ~500 us delay between storing and transmitting of first character. Subsequent chars are transmitt...
I'm developing a bootloader for an STM32L0 MCU that will jump to one of two or more application partitions in flash. I'm using IAR 8.22.2.To make the application binaries position-independent, I've compiled them with the -ropi option. I've also modif...