I am new with CAN bus implementation,can somebody point me in right direction?Example project would be the best.Thank youAlexei
I want to have one STM32F730 using a crystal on OSCIN and OSCOUT, and then slave 7 other STM32F730s to the same clock. But if I connect OSCIN of these other 7 to OSCOUT of processor 1 I assume it will load that pin with too much capacitance. I can't ...
First post on the forum...I’m currently programming a custom PCB with an Stm32f446ret6 for an uC. Using an SWD interface and System Workbench the program uploads fine. However when I disconnect the board, and then hook it up to an external P.S. the p...
I am using an STM32L053. I am trying to enter STOP mode by calling the HAL function- HAL_PWR_EnterSTOPMode(PWR_LOWPOWERREGULATOR_ON, PWR_STOPENTRY_WFI);.I was also able to implement the stop mode specified in the Example code provided by ST. My aim i...
I'm a real newbie, so please forgive my lack of articulation at what I am trying to do. I have bought the SensorTile development kit and I am currently using Atollic TrueStudio. I have downloaded the STM32CubeMX Eclipse Plugin but cannot see anything...
Hi,I'm still having trouble with my I2C communication. I'm using the Bus as Master, at the moment without any Slave. After sending the Device Addr, which is transmitted correctly to the ouput (checked with logic analyser) I send data which is then pu...
I am stuck with a really weird issue while using time of flight sensor VL53L0x - 200 cm andVL6180x - 60 cm. I have two st boards, STM32F446 Nucleo and STM32F767 Nucleo. I have written the libraries for both the time of flight sensors on STM32F767 Nuc...
Hello,we are using the HRTIM (Channel A) of the STM32F334 to trigger the ADC.The data of the ADC is written to an uint16[3] array by using the DMA.We disabled the IRQ for the specific DMA channel as the ADC value is used by the main program with lowe...
I am using STM32F407 board with cortex-m4 and Wolfson pi audio extension card. I am using Keil micro vision 5. I Want to generate white Gaussian noise signal using the code(which I have to write) and I want to pass that output to the speaker. I went...