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Forum Posts

Resolved! TIM3 periodElapsedCallback never called

In my code, after setting an on-board LED, the timer is started like this. __HAL_TIM_SET_COUNTER(&htim3, 0); while(HAL_TIM_Base_Start_IT(&htim3) != HAL_BUSY);In debugging mode, I saw that the CNT register was in fact incrementing, however in would al...

STM32F411 ADC DMA Output Issue

I have configured the ADC to use pins 1,2,3,4 for DMA transfer. I do get COM port output, however, I noticed that the outputted numbers aren't as they are supposed to be. The values for only 2 of the 4 pins change as they should. The other 2 do not.T...

dlaroche by Associate II
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UART Communication

Hi I am trying to commuicate between two boards through UART.One board is nucleof4 and other board is a processor.Im sending a data from nucleo to other board(where data gets displayed) through HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart1,(uint8_t*)"Connect",sizeof("Co...

harry123 by Senior II
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Resolved! Ethernet MAC locks up when I flush the transmit FIFO

I have 2 boards, basically identical except one has PHY KSZ8091RNA and the other has KSZ8091RND.Both use the STM32F429NIH6.The only difference I can find in the two PHYs is that I need to set to set the REFCLOCK bit in KSZ8091RNA's PHYC2 register.  W...

Resolved! STM32F407 DMA1 Trigger Issue

Hi Folks, I'm working on pattern generation on GPIO pins and I've done it successfully using bare-metal programming approach. I used TIM1 to trigger DMA2 to take data from a buffer and send it GPIOA->BSRR.  But when I try to change the timer from TIM...

zd9797 by Associate II
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STM32F407 Flash ERASE/WRITE error only after boot

Hello,      on an STM32F407 I am experiencing a Flash Erase/Write error. The odd things is that it happen only the first time after boot, the following times after the error I can write with no errors. But, if I erase and write in the Init phase, bef...

MRaff.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! HAL_UART_Transmit USART_CR1_RE error

Hello everyone,I'm configuring a STM32L0 core board to connect to a module using AT commandAll the commands work fine but when I get to a given command (AT+MSG="123456"\r\n), they work only the first time and the second time it only sends ATfor examp...

husq by Associate
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Resolved! STM32F105VCT micro GPIO input thresholds

We are using STM32F105VCT micro in our product from many years.In the recent hardwares, we have seen that input logic level is changing only with 200mv change.When the input voltage to any port pin is crossing 1.5 we are seeing as logic level 1, when...