NEO 6M question ?
Dear Member,I tested my GPS module with moving car,I can not see any result, but when the car stopped, I saw the result,I can not see the speed as well on GPS.GPVTG.kph, any same experiences ?Any ideas on how to fix it ?Thanks
Dear Member,I tested my GPS module with moving car,I can not see any result, but when the car stopped, I saw the result,I can not see the speed as well on GPS.GPVTG.kph, any same experiences ?Any ideas on how to fix it ?Thanks
How does Atollic TrueSTUDIO handle debug events generated by breakpoints and watchpoints that have been set up in the code (haven't been set up by the debugger)?
Dear Members,Is it possible that I share SPI2 for SDcard and LCD ?thanks
Hello there,I was wondering either it is possible (with STM32L4) to turn on a PWM channel for a certain amount of cycles or for a certain amount of time? Ideally, without any interrupts during this period or at the end.I am trying to figure out a way...
I trying to make common address space for BT-stack in flash memory, show in below figure. I have two projects using same flash memory. In both the projects Bt stack is used, so, I thought to make common memory for BT stack so that both the projects c...
Hi,I am going to use internal osc for generating a frequency of signal 36khz. Do i need any external circuitry for it ..?For selection of 8Mhz frequency as clock can it be done in cube mx only and generate a source code form there...?Selection of pr...
I am flashing the internal memory for STM32F1xx by UART1 by setting: boot0 to high and boot1 to low; then booting from internal flash: boot0 to low and boot1 to low; all OK;I want to flash (UART1) and boot (internal) in the same way with a with a STM...
Hi,First of all, I'm very new to the STM32 family of microcontrollers. I'm trying to output a sine wave on the DAC (pin PA4 on the discovery board) using DMA2 channel 3, triggered by TIM6. I use the STM32CubeMX to generate the code, then I manually a...
I'm new to the topic and have a basic question.I set up a ADC_DMA transfer to read sensor values: HAL_ADC_Start_DMA(&hadc1, (uint32_t*)&ADC1ConvertedValue, 1)This works to always update the ADC1ConvertedValue variable to the latest value.But how can ...