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Resolved! Can I set the heap size to zero?

In my STM32F72xx/3xx project, I'm not allocating memory dynamically, i.e., I'm using neither malloc nor free. And I'm restricting myself to C, with no C++ parts.Is there a reason I shouldn't set the heap size to zero? Do any of the drivers, HAL or ...

Compile LAPACK (and BLAS) for STM32L452CEU5 (C++)

Hi,I'm trying to use Armadillo ( with the above mentioned STM32 MCU.The goal is to use it for the inversion of a dense, symmetric, positive semi-definite Matrix (actually a convariance matrix) with float values (...


Hello everyone, I am a beginner on STM32F4. I want to using DMA for receiving data via USART. But it doesnot work, please help me to solve the problem. Here is my code:void USART2_ConfigDMA(void){  DMA_InitTypeDef DMA_InitStructure;  RCC->AHB1ENR = ...

HNguy.6 by Associate II
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In Atollic, no option to flash via USB

In Atollic, I imported the GPIO example (Blink) which compiled.Trying to Run or Debug in Atollic an IP address is requested. But the board is connected via USB. I have not found no option to flas via USB.

Ggast by Associate III
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