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About FMC-SRAM transmission

hi ,I have some problms about FMC-SRAM with own r&d board based on stm32h750,hope someone give me some hlps�? Now we have a strange problem that we operate on an external 16-bit bus. If we just write a word (16-bit) that is 2 bytes, the actual bus op...

HLeaf by Associate
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Resolved! Atollic TrueStudio stopped single-stepping

Any idea what could have happened?I'm working with a small system: CubeMX, FreeRTOS, a couple of tasks. I debugged a task resume loop last week, and now I'm setting up another variant. Same processor, slightly different peripherals. Now that I try to...

How to add a library to TrueStudio

Hi, I am tring out RF Communication and im tring to use the Virtual Wire Library, I Have added the Library to my project file and linked it in the settings (i think) but when i build i get the follow error..\Drivers\VirtualWire\VirtualWire.h: file no...

MikeP by Senior
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ADC dma interrupt stuck

I am using St microcontroller( STM32F030C6). In my project I am using ADC to measure voltage and current values. Also we are triggering DMA interrupt once the ADC conversion finish for multiple channels. Once we receive the interrupt we disble DMA an...

TAlam by Associate
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MLame.8 by Associate
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STM32L073RZ SPI 16bit data transition

I want to send 16bit spi. 8bit data is not enough because 10 bits are required.I think (uint16_t) data was the data bits which I want to change.I increased it 00 to FF but the result (SDO: Green) is quite different to what I intend. Please review my ...

MYu by Associate II
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STM32L496ZG SAI1 - Wrong SAI1_FS_A

I have to read out a Mems-Mic (SPH0645LM4H-B).The Data Format is I2S, 24-bit, 2’s compliment, MSB first.One Cannel (L/R) needs 32 clocks -> Framlenght = 64Samplerate 48kHz, real 46,875kHz, Clock 3.072MHZ.Seems OK.BUT: the FS-Signal Duty_Cycle is wron...

TTimm by Associate II
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Vancouver BC event June 13

Hello I saw a Facebook ad for a workshop in Vancouver BC June 13 but when I go to register the website only lists Montreal as a Canadian location​. Is the event still happening? Is so I would like to register .​Brandon​

BSiem by Associate
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