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Forum Posts

Which STM32F1xx support MPU?

MPU, as you know, memory protection unit.I have read​ AN4838, which tells me how to implement MPU. It also says, if you want to find out your chip support the MPU or not, look up the chip datasheet. Sadly, I checked all the stm32f1xxs datasheet, no o...

Resolved! STM32F7 SPI Runtime OR Memory access problems

Hi Community,I have a STM32F769I as a SPI slave.I want to receive up to 6kByte data in 244 Byte packets (consequently up to 25 SPI packets á 244 Byte).I am using the HAL_SPI_TxRxCpltCallback function. This function will be called after every 244 Byte...

AWent by Associate III
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Does STM32F103C8 has DAC?

hello all,I am trying to generate SPWM using STM32F103C8, does it require DAC.i am confused help me out of it.Thank in advance

svraj by Associate II
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OV2640 I2C slave address

We are trying to interface OV2640 camera with STM32f769 in our custom board, In OV2640 datasheet the slave address is given as 60 for write operation .For writing initial configuration , below API is used" CAMERA_IO_WRITE(OV2640_I2C_ADR , 0xff, 0x01)...

SNNV by Associate II
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CMSIS driver support ?

Hello,Does anyone knows if ever any stm32 library been ported to CMSIS compatible ?I've seen the following post, but can't download file, and not sure about any other attempt to port HAL to CMSIS.

ranran by Senior II
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Is there a CMSIS-driver compliant library for STM32 ?

Hello,I wanted to ask if STM32 (actually stm32h7) has any compliance with CMSIS-driver APIs ? (for example, uart cmsis is described here: assume the answer is not (afte...

ranran by Senior II
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How to integrate git with Atollic truestudio?

Hi,Sorry for posting this question here, there were no categories related to this IDE.So I'm asking here.I had installed git 1.9.5 in my PC.With that version I was able to open git bash console in Atollic 9.3.When I installed git 2.22.0 version,git b...