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Forum Posts

why receiving shifted data in SPI communication

Hi all,​I want to make communicate two nucleo l432kc (slaves) with a raspberry pi (master) through the SPI protocol. On the raspberry I'm using the spidev API, while on the nucleo I'm using the HAL SPI interface with DMA. ​The only configuration that...

NMurr.2 by Associate II
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STM32L431V LQFP100 problem with SPI2 - MISO

STM32L431V LQFP100SN : 54FF6B067266535348440967Firmware : V2J27S6I use the periphery SPI2 ( CLK enabled ), the periphery is connected PIN: PD_1 (CLK) - config is AF_5, LowSpeed, MODE_AF_PP, NOPULLPD_4 (MOSI) - config is AF_5, LowSpeed, MODE_AF_PP...

USART HAL Tx Mirror on Rx

Hi!I have a hardware setup with an RS485 in which all Tx Data is mirrored to Rx (no delay).This simple example should echo all incoming chars coming from Rx back to TxIf i do not use the delay in the callback before flushing DR the hardware mirrored ...

WalterE by Associate II
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STM32F429-Disco sdram use

Hi,I want to use the sdram as extention of the RAM of the STM32F429 Disco board. What do I have to do to use the Sdram?Is it correct that it has to be initilized and then set in the linker file?->Is this the correct procedure to Initilize the sdram? ...

Timer cross-influence on STM32F302VCT6

Hello,We have noticed an issue with the master-slave mode in the timers on STM32F302VCT6.We use TIM1 to generate PWM signals, and TIM15 for triggering an ADC. The issue is that there is cross-influence from TIM15 to TIM1. (Can be seen on the attached...

ABati by Associate II
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Resolved! Hello friends, I am trying to get UART1 output from STM32F767 using Keil, There is no output showing in the Serial monitor. I am adding my code with this Please help me out

DetailsSTM32F767Zi KeilHSI =16MhzPLL=72 MhzUART1PLL source = HSIAPB2 = 72MhzBaudrate = 9600;/*void _PLL(){ //RCC->CR|=1<<24; RCC->PLLCFGR&=0; RCC->PLLCFGR|=(2<<28)|(6<<24)|(216<<6)|(1<<3)|(1<<17); FLASH->ACR&=0; FLASH->ACR|=1<<11|1<<9|1<<8|1<<1|1<<0...

JS.13 by Associate II
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