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Hi Genius,I am using STM32G081T6 with STM32cubeIDE. I found out in pinout & configuration setting, there are several USART modes including Single Wire (half-duplex). I set baud rate to 1200, word length to 7Bits, parity even and 1 stop bit. Then conn...
Hi genius, I need help to implement SDI-12 in STM32G081. Im using STMcubeIDE. Before this, I have tested the SDI-12 sensor which is soil moisture sensor with arduino maker nano and it works. Its not a big deals since the example is provided. I tried...
Hi, Im using STM32L07CB with 16Mhz HSI and perform deep sleep stop mode. My run mode current consumption is 2mA~2.5mA. During sleep, my current consumption goes 16uA. My question is how to achieve 1uA during sleep mode?? I have already implemented th...
Hi,How to set alarm and read the alarm flag?I already write the RTC_ALRMAR = 0x85 to set alarm 5sec and mask sec. But the reading of ALRAF in RTC_ISR was not changed to 1 after it matched 5sec. Can U help me? I already set the RTC value with my homet...
Hi, I am using STM32L073CBT6. I want my MCU go to the deep sleep and wakeup by internal RTC and one of my GPIO pin. I already read the datasheet but a little bit messy. Im using 16Mhz cpu clock, 8Mhz for LPUART ABP1 clock, 1.Right now, Im stuck on se...