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STM32F2 Emulated UART

I have implemented an emulated UART on STM32F2 using the sample program from STM32F4. The UART TX data output is correct. Until a HAL_Delay(100) is add. When added delay, the UART TX output appears corrupted as shown below. Why is the HAL_Delay affec...

0690X00000AqUYlQAN.png 0690X00000AqUYbQAN.png
JTan by Associate II
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I am new to STM 32 MCU, it might be a basic issue I might be facing but couldn't find any solution in the documentations as well. When I am trying to connect STM 32 Nucleo and an IKS01A2 expansion board using a Unicleo GUI I am facing some problem

When I am trying to login to Unicleo GUI I am able connect to the communication port but the firmware description, version, expansion board name and library version in the login screen is showing unknown as I result , i suppose, am not being able to ...

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I am working on H743. I have trouble getting ADC3 to work in continuous DMA transfer mode. I have ADC1 working fine but ADC3 wont work. Is there something wrong in my config?

After doing debugging i have found that the error code is set by DMA config function :HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DMA_Start_IT(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma, uint32_t SrcAddress, uint32_t DstAddress, uint32_t DataLength) { . . . . . else { /* Process...

sbstek by Associate
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Exiting STOP mode

Hi,I am a new coder using the STM32L100RC discovery board. As such, my problem is quite simple I believe; I cannot exit Stop mode using an external trigger on the WakeUp Pin PA0. The code works as fallow: the LED on the PC9 pin light up, I enter STOP...

NBroc by Associate
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Resolved! STM32L4 Freezes At Freezing Temperatures

Hi Everybody,I have an issue with STM32L433CCU6, when it's entering or exiting STOP 1 mode at temperatures from -36dC to -29dC uP completely freezesBasic overview of program:watchdog is set to 25 secondsclock: HSE 8MHz -> PLL 16MHz (SYSCLK) -> /2 -> ...

tomasf by Associate II
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Resolved! Hello!! what is wrong ? I want to do an external interrupt with button (gpio A0) to turn on the led (gpio D14) (STM32F407DISC) and do not work..

void init_led(){RCC->AHB1ENR|=0x8;GPIOD->MODER|=0x10000000;}void led_on(){GPIOD->ODR |= 0x4000;}void led_off(){GPIOD->ODR &= 0xBFFF;}void init_button(){RCC->AHB1ENR|=0X1; //ENABLE CLOCK TO GPIOAGPIOA->MODER &= ~0x03; // make gpioa0 mode inputEXTI->FT...

MHMallek by Associate II
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