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Forum Posts

I am using STM32-NUCLEO L053R8 and I want to use 8 RTDs (Temperature sensors) to Analog pins of this microcontroller board. Is it possible I can use all ADCs simultaneously?

This micro-controller has 16 Analog channels and I have read somewhere that all of these analog channels are sharing the same ADC. I want to connect 8 RTDs to the analog channels and I want this micro-controller to do conversion simultaneously. Is i...

SAHME.2 by Associate
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Resolved! STM32H753 eval board. Cannot write to backup RAM

I call HAL_PWR_EnableBkUpAccess() but writes to backup RAM (4K in battery backed domain) won't stick. Data always remains 0. No error or fault on write.What else can be missing??RTC backup registers write test on same board is successful (means, tamp...

Pavel A. by Evangelist III
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STM32 SPI Master Receiving

Hello,On my custom design board, I use external 12 bit ADC (ADS7886) and STM32F767VI. I try to get digitized ADC values with SPI interface. I set the SPI as Receive only master than prescaler as 8; baudrate as 13.5 Mbits/s; polarity as 1; phase as 1...

AE104 by Senior
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[SOLVED]I'm having problems with SPI NSS pin toggle

Hi everyone, I'm using SMT32L073RZ as my MCU and it has connected through SPI a flash memory (microchip's SST25VF016B).So the connection is as follows:PA5   ------> SPI1_SCKPA6   ------> SPI1_MISOPA4   ------> SPI1_NSSPA7   ------> SPI1_MOSI)PA0   --...

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IvanG by Associate II
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STM32L4 SDMMC Command Timeout

Posted on July 05, 2017 at 10:53While using SDMMC with FatFS to interface with SDCards occasionally I get Command Timeout when issuing:SDMMC_CmdReadSingleBlockThis is when using new 1.7.0 drivers. Did anyone experience similar issue?

ChrisH by Associate III
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Resolved! References to TIM5 in RM0091

There is no TIM5 in the 'F0.Textual search for TIM5 in RM0091 rev.9 reveals it occurs twice:in Internal clock source (CK_INT) subchapter of TIM15/16/17 chapter; this is a typo and it ought to be TIM15 (because TIM16/17 don't have the slave-mode contr...

Resolved! What is "SAI3"?


Where can we purchase the STM32H743VIT6 chips with Rev V ?

We have a system up and running with STM32H743 and are very aware that Rev Y is really a buggy one. Rev V is supposed to fix most of the problems (USART handling, reading 2 CAN Busses in parallel, etc.) We contacted several distributors (DigiKey, Far...

GS1 by Senior III
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