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Forum Posts

Interrupt handling STM32F4 Embedded Coder

I'm using the STM32 MAT plugin and embedded coder for Simulink to generate C-Code out of my models to compile them onto an STM32F4. As IDE I use TrueStudio and for my MCU Configuration I use CubeMX.Because my discrete solver step time in Simulink is ...

Tstro.12 by Associate
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STM32 using Simulink and TrueSTUDIO

Hello there,I'm trying to set up a STM32F4 Discoveryboard with Simulink.My Toolchain contains CobeMX, Simulink, Embedded Coder and TrueSTUDIO. I just wanted to Control an LED using a Signal Generator block:test.c/* Model step function */void test_ste...

Xxone by Associate
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Errors : invalid project path

Hello,I am working with Matlab simulink on a project. After building my blocks model, I want to create a PIL simulation but get some while debugging the code source on True STUDIO as shown in the picture below. Could you please help with this ?Thanks...

IOUMA by Associate
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