When I am Starting timer interrupt it jumps to IRQHandler why?
when MCU execute this "HAL_TIM_Base_Start_IT(&htim2);" then at that instant program jumps to IRQHandler. And then it works normally.How can I solve this issue?RegardsImran
when MCU execute this "HAL_TIM_Base_Start_IT(&htim2);" then at that instant program jumps to IRQHandler. And then it works normally.How can I solve this issue?RegardsImran
The data sheet of the STM32F373xx (https://www.st.com/resource/en/datasheet/stm32f373cc.pdf) on page 71 (6.3.6 Wakeup time from low-power mode) states that the WKUP1 (PA0) pin is used to wake up from standby mode. The reference manual (https://www.st...
Is it possible that STM32L152RE's COMP1 400KOHM is actually ~330KOHM? I have tested it on 3 different hardwares and all brought me to this conclusion.
Hello! I trying to debug my application with STMStudio. In direct acquisition mode all working fine. But i can not find information about snapshot acquisition mode. Where i can find DataAcq.h and DataAcq.c? Or may be exist some example package?
Hi all,I recently bought my first drone flight controller based on STM32F722RET6 with I2C barometer.The barometer is not working and the chip becomes quite hot (>70°C), although firmware settings are ok. So I started some error checking while waiting...
Hello I am using a STM32L476,I am having issues with the power consumption, Every time it resets, the power consumption is different as in +-500 uA but I have seen as much as +-1.0 mA.I am using the MSI at 48 Mhz. After initializing the clocks, I in...
I am new on STM32.I have one switch that i define it's external interrupt. i want to put my mcu in sleep mode and at another interrupt i want my mcu wake up. i don't have any idea how to write routine for wake up and sleep mode API when interrupt oc...
Hi,I'm trying to use my STM32F7 Discovery Kit to just fire a HTTPS-Get Request up to my Server.Im using mbedtls and some http(s)-library I found on Github. But that doesn't feel right, is there any official Guide, Library or even a sample project for...
Hello, I am trying to create an external loader for N25Q128A QSPI. I'm currently developing on STM32F469I-DISCO. My loader doesn't work once loaded into STM32 ST-LINK utility (nor in CUBE programmer). If I modify my project adding a main file with a ...