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Been running STMCUBEIDE 1.14.1 for a long time. Installed 1.15.0 and got  the failed to load MI error.Am using Windows 10, a custom board with a LSM32L476 chip, linked with a STM32 LINK V2.I can still load and run the NUCLEO board over the USB connec...
Did numerous builds using CubeIDE (10,000 lines of code). this error started coming up. "reason was unknown target"Got the following message:Make -j4 all  DriversSTM32L4xx_HAL_Driver/  *** unable to generate command line.  stop.  "make  ...
Updated STM32CubeIDE version 1.11.0 to version 1.13.0 Using an St-LINK/V2 to connect PC to a prototype board with a STM32L476 on it.STM32CubeProgrammer can load the debug .elf file and read the L476 memory just loaded.The CubeIDE 1.13.0 does a clean ...
Trying to interface with the LSM303AH eCOM.
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