Hi all, I’m trying to test the can bus function with the STM32F042, I’ve studied all the Datasheet but I’m trying to find the best solution for an efficient store for incoming messages..My question is if I don’t know the right amount of incoming ID ...
Looking at the datasheet of the STM32L452xx family, it's noted that SRAM size is 160K.The memory mapping on page 86 notes the address range from 0x2000'0000-0x2028'0000.But 160K is 0x2'8000 and not 0x28'0000, which would make the range from 0x2000'00...
Over the past month, I've been trying to figure out if the DAC in the STM32F3 actually has a silicon bug. I observe a sawtooth with an approx 1 minute period in the DAC output (as measured by the ADC on the same chip). The first large "tooth" is alwa...
Hi All,I'v been working on a project wherein I use some portion of the flash to store certain data. Initially, after the manufacturing and assembly procedure, I don't usually get any issues at all, but after several months, the board starting to give...
Page 118, Table 38 has "1.78" in Peripheral column instead of TIM1.Page 115, fourth bullet says "... is given in Table 39. The power...". The table number should be 38.
Hi all, I'm using nucleo STM32 L4R5ZI .Using systick 120Mhz as clockand set timer 2 , channel 1 as TIM_TS_TI1FP1 (Trigger and rising edge)Then, using int count = __HAL_TIM_GetCounter(&htim2); to sample the count for every 1ms. Input 40KHz . By right...
I am French.There is now more than one week that I try, see youtube and some comments on forum. I need your experience for solving the initialisation of a "simple" PWM.Thanks in advance.Joëlhere under my code. in the main I have launch : PWM1_CH3N_se...
Hello,I'm using the Pins PC0, PD11 and PD12 in my application as external interrupts with rising edge. To handle the interrupt, I'm using the functions EXTI0_IRQHandler() for PC0 and EXTI15_10_IRQHandler() for PD11 and PD12. In both functions is the ...
Hello,I am woking with CMSIS RTOS v1 on STM32F407 mcu,and every time after ~30 mins my device gets haurd fault.void vListInsertEnd( List_t * const pxList, ListItem_t * const pxNewListItem ) { ListItem_t * const pxIndex = pxList->pxIndex; // <------- ...