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We would like to use an STM32G4 to (sinusoidally) control 6 high-current BLDC motors, each with 3 digital Hall effect sensors, and each using 3x PWM Mode for control (in addition to monitoring the voltage across 1 or 3 shunt resistors on each motor f...
Hello,I have received conflicting answers to this question so I want to try asking it in a different way. Hopefully you understand my situation but please let me know if I should clarify anything.I want to use an STM32G431RB. I need to be able to rea...
I am using an STM32G4. I want to output PWM from a timer channel on one pin (call it pin A) and have a GPIO output on another (pin B). Then I want to be able to switch the functions on the two pins so that pin A is now a GPIO output and pin B is the...
I am using an STM32G4 and working in STM32CubeIDE with the MX interface.The software is great about assigning pins to allow for all of my functionality but I do not see a way to specify this. I am using TIM 1,3,4,8 for encoder counting with CH1&2 on ...
 I have a 5V line that I need to step down to 3.3V in order to power the MCU. I can use a switching regulator that I like ( to provide 3.3V with a 6MHz ripple. If that ripple is not acceptable for either the Vdd or Vd...