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Forum Posts

Stack pointer value at boot time

I was not involved in ST MCUs (STM32F769 specifically) until now. I understood that CPU gets stack pointer at start, from address 0, but what there exists is RAM - which is undefined after power up. Then, how can I force some "reasonable" SP value in...

ZDjok.1 by Associate II
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Stm32f103 counter in timer mode

Hello, I need advice. I am working on a device for revolution counting and need advice how to put the timer in the counter mode in operation with the stm32f103rb processor in order to count external pulse independently and I would like to have the re...

RP.11 by Associate
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HAL_MMC_ReadBlocks compilation error

Hi,I am using HAL driver for STM32F4 microcontroller. Every thing is fine. But, I have the following compilation error for this macro (SDMMC_STATIC_FLAGS) from stm32f4xx_hal_mmc.c. This macro was not found in the header file also. How to resolve this...

Kumar B by Associate II
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STM32L4+ OCTOSPI Memory-Mapped mode Read-Write

Hello,I'm am using the STM32L4R9I-DISCOVERY board with external FLASH memory using OCTOSPI.I wan't to use it if possible in memory-mapped mode to read and write as a persistent storageAccording to the STM32L4+ documentation RM0432 (1) it is possible...

STrop by Associate II
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How viable is production with G4 today?

I have designed and produced circuits with the F4 and L4, using plain Eclipse for development and SEGGER J-Link for both development and the ICP fixtures at the line.I have not been successful at getting J-Link Commander to play well with a G431 over...

Hi, I'm new to using nextion displays, and I have a 2.4 inch display from nextion, and I can't program to use this on my microprocessor if anyone can help me.

stm32f407zg - ""Display - 2,4 polegadas nx3224t024 ""if anyone has any library th...

Resolved! PWM Up count vs center aligned - wrong frequency

Hi ! Stm32f103 TIM3Counting: UPClock 72Mhz​Prescaler: 36-1Period: 10-1Pulse : 5​Result: 200khz 50% duty, ok !​But​​Counting: center alignedClock 72Mhz​Prescaler: 18-1Period: 10-1Pulse : 5​Result: 222khz 50% duty​Why? Schould be 200khz also.​Checked w...

oeliks by Senior
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In STM32F303RE my customer is trying to use 3 timers but problem is happening with using them at the same time as it is real time application

I am using TIM1&TIM8 for PWM generation and using TIM15 for PWM input capture mode, individually if I check in IAR TIM1&TIM8 WORK properly for PWM generation, and TIM15 properly in input capture mode, but if I use them all together after the first it...

PGama by Associate II
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