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STM32F103RCT6 UART5 not working

Hi all,I'm using uart5 of stm32f03rct6 with Std lib but it's not working. However, when i use cubemx with HAL, It works perfectly. Anyone can help me check my code :( USART_InitTypeDef USART_InitStructure; NVIC_InitTypeDef NVIC_InitStructure; GPIO_In...

According to IPC-A-610 revision G, you can have a 30% void in your BGA device. I every pin in the STM32F417IGH6 device was missing 30% of its connection, would the device still work per the datasheet?

IPC-A-610 revision G page 8-93 indicates that you can have a 30% void in your solder ball. We recently had a STM32F417IGH6 device over heat. Upon X-ray, we discovered that about 80% of the solder balls had voids near 30%.


Hi, I’m trying to establish TLS communication with my local mosquitto broker.The handshake always fails, the broker does not accept the hello client and I cannot understand why …Below the decoded messages that pass over the network.Messages are captu...

Capture peak value through ADC

I am using the STM IoT Kit Node and have a current sensor (voltage output) connected to the ADC.I can read the current through the ADC by reading the counts and doing the correct conversion. But I'm trying to read the instantaneous peak current (the...

DSabo by Associate III
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