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Hello,I am working on a project and it would be very helpful if I could find a MCU with integrated 5V ADC. I know you can add a voltage divider for the 3.3V ADC but it won't work in my case for this project. Can anyone recommend me something? Thank y...
Hello,I have never done this so please be patient haha - I need to store around 10 float numbers into the flash memory - I will do this in the last memory sector. The problem that I have is that I can write & read to the flash but if i want to overwr...
Hello,Please be patient, I am quite new to this. So, I would like to implement a virtual EEPROM for my F042k6 mcu, i saw that there is the but it only seems to cover STM32G0 Series, STM32G4 S...
Hello,I am trying to set up CAN communication on my F042K6 using the HAL library. I have followed the stm guide (attached). I got most of the functionality working, however if i try to use the Rx interrupt using "void HAL_CAN_RxFifo0MsgPendingCallbac...
SOSI have tried the other forum suggestions but nothing seems to work so far for me. Basically I am just trying to turn an LED on/off with a set delay: while (1) {   /* USER CODE END WHILE */    HAL_GPIO_WritePin(LED1_GPIO_Port, LED1_Pin, 0);    HAL_...
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