I want to buy eval bds in my basket.But l cannot complete the order because the order forms address CITY section does not list my city GOYANG.Local sales needs one month delay they do not have in stock. I am buying one Nucleo144stm32f767 and one Nfc0...
I am currently performing timing and performance measurements for the CMSIS/DSP FIR filter functions on an STM32F412. I toggle a GPIO before and after executing the arm_fir_f32() function and record the signal on a scope.My results are:Details: Sampl...
HelloI'm trying to communicate STM32F411RE (NUCEO board) with SIM800L module through the USART interface.I made USART initialization by HAL driver but I want to communicate manually by referring to the registers directly.USART Initialization:void uar...
I tried debugging STM32 chip using ULinkPlus debugger. When I try to debug for the first time, no issues. For the next time, If theDebug configuration is "Erase sectors", When I try to debug STM32 chip with UlinkPlus Debugger, it throws hard fault e...
Quelqu'un parle français ici ? Je suis entrain d'utiliser le stm32h747, je suis une vrai novice. Je dois faire communiquer les deux coeurs, mais j'y arrive pas. alors svp pouvez m'expliqer comment ça marche? ou me montrer un exemple de programme?Mer...
Hi,I have a lan8720 phy board and I use this board with stm32h7 .I didn't change lan8742 source and header codes .Lan8720 board isn't make soft reset .
Hello, I'm working on a project, where the Master (STM32F107) have to communicate with a few slaves (ATxmega) via I2C. Most of the time it works fine. But sometimes the SCL line is going low and stays low. First i thought it's a Slave issue (because ...
I've developed a safety critical application over STM32F103RG microcontroller.I want to add a fail-safe mechanism to it by making sure that all unused memory locations are either carrying opcode to RESET (like available in PICmicros) or any specific ...
I have (another) dumb question... but I learn so much from my dumb questions, so bear with me.On our STM32F7, we are using a couple of peripherals that use the PLL48CLK. I see from [RM0410, Figure 13 page 153/1954] that this is selectable as the out...