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Forum Posts

X-CUBE-STL support for H7 dual core controllers

Hi,Are there any plans on extending the x-cube-stl support to H7 dual core family?According to the datasheet, the following are missing:MCU FMEAFMEDA snapshotX-CUBE-STL libraryI'm especially looking for just the STL part, but according to the manual,...

TOlli by Senior
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Hello! Does anybody know why the function HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FLASHEx_Erase(FLASH_EraseInitTypeDef *pEraseInit, uint32_t *PageError) doesn't work properly with STM32F407, but the function works perfect with STM32F303?

Wnen I work with STM32F407 and call this function my programm goes to infinite loop cause of unexpected interrupt. But there is no problem with STM32F303.Is there any features STM32F4 I don't know about?

Fry by Associate II
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Use of VREFBUF on the STM32H753.

The voltage reference buffer (VREFBUF) seems to control what happens with the Vref+ pin, as described in this from the Reference Manual:Table 225. VREF buffer modesENVR HIZ VREF buffer configuration0 0VREFBUF buffer OFF:– VREF+ pin pulled-down to VSS...

JMall by Associate II
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eMMC prototyping on NUCLEO

Hi All,I'm looking for advices about boards/components to use for eMMC prototyping.I have got a NUCLEO-H743ZI board, but it seems that there is no shield board for eMMC, and that a solution would be to use SD/MMC card breakout + eMMC dongle.Could one...

frd66 by Associate II
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Funky source code stepping in debug mode

I know about optimizers and I've been debugging MCUs for many decades. But this behavior is just too weird and difficult to deal with...I'm using Atollic TrueSTUDIO 9.3.0. When I debug my code and single step through the C source code, the highlighte...