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Forum Posts

Resolved! STM32H7 and USB-C Schematics

Hello everyone! I'm close to validating all my schematics for a PCB project, and I wanted to be sure at 100% that a section is correct.I'm talink about the USB-C section, that connects directly to the STM32H7 microcontroller. It will be used to acces...

yaxsomo_0-1725199609003.png yaxsomo_1-1725199696063.png
yaxsomo by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32G4 CRC DMA

Hello!So after few frustrating hours (as usually with ST), i reached the state when i found that CRC peripheral on STM32G4 (at least) DOES NOT SUPPORT DMA. Like are you kidding me? Is it for real? First of all i could not find a DMA request for CRC. ...

Eiffel by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32 USB OTG Dual Role

HI team,          I am using STM32F7 series controller. I want to use USB OTG in dual mode where I want to run USB device and Host on same application. So till now I couldn't find a single application or sample related to this. Can anyone narrow down...

Shikamaru by Associate III
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Uart Interrupt does not work

Hi, I am using the Nucleo - L152RE board and I am having a problem with the UART1 interrupt.The output to Teraterm works fine, but it does not go to the interrupt and the code terminates. Can you tell me what the problem is?  /* USER CODE BEGIN Heade...

Imhyeonu by Associate II
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