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Hello,This is for the STM32H7, but may be applicable to other STM32 chips.Is there a way to do a continuous DMA stream from a UART without requiring an expected size?I would like to be able to set up a receive buffer with DMA in circular mode, and ju...
freqError = static_cast<int32_t>(readRegister(REG_FREQ_ERROR_MSB) & B111);C has no static_cast, so how can I convert the above code to C?(It 's C++, from Arduino)
I'm using QuadSPI in indirect dual-flash read mode to transfer data from an external chip (not flash memory). According to reference manual, when FSIZE = 0x1F and DLR = 0xFFFFFFFF, the transfer should continue indefinitely.However, with STM32H743ZIT6...
Hello,I tried to prescale the TIM2_ETR signal on STM32F401RC, to increase the bandwith. In theory the ETR signal max frequency is 1/4 Fclock = 21 MHz, but it can be increased thanks to the prescaler. The RM0368 manual (STM32F401 reference manual) wri...
Hi,I am using the STM32L433 and want to place this into very low power mode. I am thinking STOP1 as the wake up is from one of several interrupts. The setup works fine the system wakes up when it gets an interrupt, but the power consumed is way too h...
My IDE is SW4STM32. The board is STM32H757 I-EVAL. I download STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.5.0 to start development. I have read the document UM2204 "Getting started with STM32CubeH7 for STM32H7 Series" but I still can't develop my own application through Temp...
Hello,I am working on the stm32373C-EVAL but I can't get the SDADC to give me satisfying values.I am following the UM1786 "how tu use this driver" instructions on p°594:I fill in the HAL_SDADC_MspInit(), the HAL_ADC_Init() is used, I call HAL_SDADC_P...