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Forum Posts

Timer don't work when set ARR=0

HiWhen I want timer count (CNT register) until ​5000 for overflow , Set ARR = 5000-1; now I want timer count until 1 So I have to set value ARR = 1_1 (ARR = 0) But When Set ARR = 0 timer don't work and don't have interrupt. Why??​​how to set ARR Fo...

mkari by Associate III
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Make 32bit timer by 2 16 bit timer

HiI make a 32 bit timer by to 16 bit timer3(master) & timer4(slave)Now I want my timer count antil 150000 (for example)​How to get 150000 in two TIM3->ARR & TIM4->ARR register??Does it have a special formula?this number (150000) isn't ​fixed.I have a...

mkari by Associate III
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Program determinism when toggling a pin

Hello,I have a strange behaviour that I cannot explain. It is regarding the determinism of running code. My setup is simple. I have a save routine that save some setup in two seperate pages (two copys of same data). So my saveroutine consists of one ...

machinist by Associate III
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UART error under reception on TSM32L051C8.

Hello.I am trying to change an old source code where a new UART port is implemented using pins PA2 and PA3 (UART2). When I run the old code with changes made for UART2 I've got communication errors Parity, noise, frame and overrun error. The huart->E...

BLilj.1 by Associate
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Ram disk error : FR_NO_FILESYSTEM

Following me prev. question:I am using STM32F429zi boardBut found a RAM_DISK example for 9i boardI ran with / without RTOSIn both cases :all these word fine (return woth OK :(FATFS_LinkDriver, f_mount, f_mkfs, But when I call f_open I get FR_NO_FILES...

ECrom.1 by Associate III
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All UARTs are functional with DMA except for LPUART

Hello,I manage to operate all UART/USART DMA's except for LPUART.For some reason, only with LPUART, I fail to start DMA transaction.Is it because it's request are from DMA2 instead of DMA1 (all UART's are connceted to DMA1, except for LPUART, which i...

ranran by Senior II
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Debugging of STM32L072CZ

As I am doing debugging for STM32L072CZ Controller using ST-Link/V2 debugger with Software Keil and AC6. As I am getting No target device found. So suggest me how to solve thr error.

STM32H747 ADC Internal Reference usage and stability

HelloI am new to STM32 family and currently I was working on STM32H747I-DISCO board with HAL device support. Is it possible to change the ADC reference from external Vref+ to internal Vref ? if possible how to configure? why because there is no param...

Kranthi by Associate II
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