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Regression from RDP level 1 to 0

Hello,I'm trying to test RDP levels configuration on STM32H753.Here is the code I've tested (on a Nucleo 743 with STM32CubeIDE):int main(void) { HAL_Init(); SystemClock_Config(); MX_GPIO_Init(); MX_USART3_UART_Init();   OBInit.Banks = F...

Gpeti by Senior II
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I2C Communication in STM 32 f401 RE

Hi I have omron D6t 32x32 thermal sensor and it give 1023 field of data , How to receive more than 1 byte data in stm? Can any one help me? Also I am storing the value to an character array but i need the value in decimal how to obatin that?

Resolved! Need clarifications on CSS of STM32H7

Hello,I don't understand the description of the Clock Security System in the Ref Manual of STM32H7 (section 7.5.3).First question is : what exactly is the CSS doing ? (what kind of control is done on the clock). What is a definition of "a failure of...

Gpeti by Senior II
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Resolved! NACK when reading a register through I2C communication

Posted on July 07, 2018 at 04:41Hi, I'm having trouble reading a register in a slave through I2C communication. Slave: bq25895 main:while (1){   HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;    uint16_t return_val...

STM32L432R DAC1 out2 configuration

the DAC1 out1 working fine as programmed bt DAC1 out2 is not. Is it due to bridge18 A4 to D4, should I remove bridge. I try setup D4 as Analog and Digital IN and does not helped. Is STN32L$#@RC damaged on out2?

CJaro by Associate
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ADC not working on STM32H750VB

Hi,I have a single adc channel where i read the input values through polling, but it always outputs the max value or almost max value (~ 65280+) as long the input voltage value is greater than zero (v0.5+ ). i configured VREF+ to internal voltage ref...