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I am willing to use STM32G030F6 but VBAT pin is missing as before i was using 32f103 and this got VBAT pin. So my question is for backup register of RTC is there is any dedicated pin in STM32G030F6?
Hi,I am new to QSPI. I working with stm32f469 disco that comes with external flash N25Q128A13EF840F. I had done the GUI part now I need to store data to external flash but I don't know how to do it. I had initialized qspi with STMCUBE default initial...
hello everyone,i am working with stm32f469 disco board. looking for external flash MICRON N25Q128A13EF840F code
hi,i had designed 2-3 pages of gui, don't know what's the issue is look like touch gfx footprint is big so when i click on button gui get hang. but when i saw demo app it got more than 4-5 pages with lot of wizard. don't understand why this won't wor...