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Forum Posts

Changing MITx_CRRx and ARR on the fly

Hi, I am trying to change MIT4_CRR2 on the fly to change the period of the PWM output by doing:void EXTI4_IRQHandler(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN EXTI0_IRQn 0 */ htim4.Instance->CNT = 0; htim4.Instance->CCR3 = 0x0000A978;   /* USER CODE END EX...

Wleon.1 by Associate II
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voltage regulator

where is BYPASS_REG pin of voltage regulator in stm32f407vgt6 and how it was enabled and disabled?

Vtrai by Associate II
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Unstable work on STM32H743IIT6 mcu.

Hello community! My mcu is STM32H743IIT6 tqsp176 from blue waveshare board. I create a new project from Cube with HAL. Then I make the simplest flashing cycle of the LED:volatile unsigned long x = 0;   while (1) { while (x++ < 2000000) {} x =...

0690X00000DYcMUQA1.png 0690X00000DYcLqQAL.png 0690X00000DYcNmQAL.png 0690X00000DYcMAQA1.png
PYoda.1 by Associate II
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STM32F105RBT6 Spi read wrong data.

I am configure w5100 using spi.but at the time of reading its show wrong data.Refer Code link:

vivek by Associate II
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SPI1 Clock speed

Hello,i am using a Nucleo - F411RE board and i want to create a sine wave with an external DAC (mcp4922). So i initialized a SPI connection to send my sine wave table to the external DAC. The frequency of the ouput sine wave should have 40 KHz. At ...

STM32F0 and SPI with CPHA=1 an NSS pin

Hello Forum,I am new to STM32 but familiar with MCUs. My Problem is the SPI interface.In the datasheet there is a figure (figure 277 of document RM0091) where all four possible combination of CPOL/CPHA are shown. There is also the signal nss in the f...