Dear all, dear stm,we ported our project from stm32F427 to stm32F765 because we needed more RAM.After this we noticed that our code execution time has more than doubled.We check all twice, ART, Cache, Interrupt, PLL, etc.We tested also the Overdrive ...
Hello everyone,i'm encountering a strange issue, I'm trying to read from the ADC on a STM32f429zi.When my pin is grounded the value of the ADC is not 0 but around 1000. When i try to debug the value it doesn't give me any result but says: <optimized ...
Is there any plan to provide Unique Device ID registers, together with second calibration point for Temperature Sensor in STM32G030xx?Initially, I expected these data being missing in stm32g030xx.h and DS by simple mistake. I really miss these 2 feat...
Hi all,I interfaced STM32H743 with external ADC(SLAVE) In master receive only mode. STM spi clk is distored seen on CRO above 20Mbps . But clk is fine till 20 due to this received ADC values is not correct.but works fine below 20Mbps.So ...
Hi,I’m using stm32f103 as slave transmitter with arduino uno as masterAs far as I understand the stm sends the data bytes correctly then waits for ack for the last data byte but arduino sends stop instead of ack, stopstm ack failure flag is raised an...
I am relatively new to STM32 programming. I use STMCubeIDE (HAL & HAL_ex libraries) with STM32H743Zi and Nucleo-144. My configuration is:1 Multi Buffer DMA mem to peripheral, circular + clock triggered (54MHz per word, 360 words per buffer = 150 kHz ...
I assume this issue applies to DACs across all the MCUs but I am testing on a Nucleo-G431KB so I'll stick with the scientific facts.When I write a 12bit DAC value greater than 4060, the "down" slew rate in buffered output mode drops off a cliff.For...
Hi, I have a custom made board using a STM32L4 and I want to add some security to the data. So my flow diagram is: sensors get data-> data goes to L4-> L4 inicializates RasPi and passes the sensor data -> RasPi send back seured data to L4Is this some...
Can anyone please tell me the difference between VDD,VBAT and Voltage regulator in stm32f407vgt6 discovery board