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Forum Posts

I want to do file operation on internal flash memory. is there any way to do this? I tried using f_open, f_write, but its getting fail. is there any setting that we need to do?

my requirement is to do file operation. I tried it using following way.f_mkfsf_mountf_openf_write.but it cant help me. f_mkfs failed to create file system. I attached file filesystem.c for reference. please let me know any way to do this.

STura.1 by Associate II
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STM32f429zi usart interrupts

Hi guys hope you are doing well, I am having some issues generating a USART Interrupt to receive data in my project using the Standard Peripheral Library not HAL...I wanted to ask if there is someone who might have a simple code based on usart interr...

RMang.1 by Associate
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Peripherals not working below 3v

i try to get spi work in custom board in stm32h743VIH mcu. I'm using mco1 output clock to supply master clock to external adc converter and spi2 to read data. I want to use system with 1.8v supply voltage. I'm using stm32Cube ide to generate code. Fl...

teijo by Associate II
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Is it possible to use HW SS with multi-slave SPI mode?

Hello,I am using DMA for one SPI slave with which requires SS Pulse mode.Now I want to use two or more slaves is it possible to use HW SS with multi slave "I think No"is it possible to use HW SS for 1st slave and SW emulated SS using GPIO for the o...

HAlzo by Senior
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