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Is it OK to tie NRST lines together for 2 or more processors ?In this case, they are STM32F042C6T6I would think so but just thought I'd ask.boB
Where might I find the information to do something like this ? Need to make good use of flash space and would like to keep one of the 16K sectors for updatable calibration data.I would think this would be one solely in the linker script but evidentl...
Hello comrades...I have been using IAR 6.50 for a few years now with STM32F446VC 1-- pin uC and things have been working flawlessly. I also have more recently had a project using the STM32F334 controller and debugging just fine.Last week, all of a su...
I am still having some issues with my STM32F334x8 and ADC DMA regular sequencing....I am having ADC1 OVR flag set and am trying to use the IRQ which is successfully firing on IRQ but still need to understand how the sequencing and synchronization wor...
First, I have done this before successfully on the STM32F446re with all 3 ADCs and DMAs but I need some guidance or ideas... STM32F3348 Disco OR my target PCB with same processor. ADC1 (and maybe ADC2) using DMA to convert 7 channels on ADC1 and 4...
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