Looking for demostration software STM32H743XI Eval
I buy a STM32H743XI Eval2 now ,How to load demostration software STM32H743XI Eval2 from ST?Sorry,I know only less english.I am from china.
I buy a STM32H743XI Eval2 now ,How to load demostration software STM32H743XI Eval2 from ST?Sorry,I know only less english.I am from china.
Hi everyoneI am working with STM32F429Zi microcontroller on a customized board. I am acquiring the signal shown below (oscilloscope screenshot) with ADC3 at a sampling rate of 300ksps. The input signal is a 10kHz sinusoidal waveform superimposed on a...
Hi,I'm implementing a circular buffer for UART transmit via DMA on an STM32L4 device.I've got a callback that updates the read pointer and calls another HAL_UART_Transmit_DMA if it's still not equal to the write pointer.This callback is called by:HAL...
I am in the process of understanding the internals of the RTC (Real Time Clock) inside the STM32F446 microcontroller. I have already written some code and released it and now I'm afraid that the code might damage the microcontroller in the long run. ...
How to fill the screen with one color without seeing the draw pattern from top to bottom?All I want is to make screen instantly change color. I understand that drawing bitmap might be slow, but I want just one color.Is there a way to reduce display c...
HiIn the STM32L081 datasheet (DS10888 Rev 6: https://www.st.com/resource/en/datasheet/stm32l081cz.pdf ), on page 16, under "3.1 Low-power modes" there is this note:CPU frequency changes from initial to final must respect "fcpu initial <4*fcpu final"....
Dear friends,I've created a UART mutex and when threads only send data over uart, everything works fine but when it is time to also receive data, after a while data is corrupted and the information is wrong and no data is valid! if( osMutexWait(modb...
Hello,I've faced some problems with setting up and sending data for STM32L496 Serial Audio Interface (I2S) using HAL functions from the PACK. Could you recommend some software examples or a sequence of actions? Thanks,Alex