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NUCLEO-H745ZI-Q ADC problems.

Hello everyone!First of all, my apologies if I ask the question wrong or don't provide enough information to start with, I'll of course send all that is needed for better solving of this problem.So, I've gotten the mentioned board and I need to do so...

AMilo.1 by Associate II
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I'm trying to write and read flash

hi guys, im working on stm32l412kb mcu using keil v5 uvision and i ve found it difficult to write and read flash memory. all the explanation online are not relevant for my mcu. that the way i'm trying to confirm my actions, if anyone understand the p...

Gbasi.1 by Associate II
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How to deactive XIP in QSPI

Hi, ST example show how to active XIP to read after erase/write data to QSPI. We are success with those step.And, in case we want to change data, we need to deactive XIP. I set command back to Write Directly mode but look like after XIP is enable the...

Dat Tran by Senior II
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Simple way of storing data in non-volatile memory

I'm using the STM32H747 and is interested in storing some variables containing configuration data even after reset.Is there a simple way of doing this?I basically would like to map a variable to be stored in SRAM or EEPROM instead of RAM.Best regards...

JAbra by Associate II
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STM32H7 Dual core - power consumption M4 vs M7

Hello,While I was looking for a new MCU, I came across STM32H7 dual core mcus, with M4 and M7.I directly thought that it could be versatile for many usage, M7 for high performance, M4 to mix performances/ and power consumption (and from what I unders...

Rverf.1 by Associate II
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Address calculation using sizeof() operator

I am a little bit confusing with Address calculation using sizeof() operator.I am writing a program for DMA transfer half a buffer in a time.Such as,---------   1st:      HAL_SPI_Transmit_DMA(&hspi1, ptr1, buf_len/2) ;   2nd:     HAL_SPI_Transmit_DMA...

KAJIK.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! HRTIM availabilityin STM32G4

Hello all, regarding Application note AN4539 all MCU's of STM32G4 shall support HRTIM peripheral, reference manual also describe HRTIM functionalities for all STM32G4, but on some pages and datasheet it is no information about HRTIM support. Which in...


Downloading the code in target board giving error

Hi,I am using STM32L476G-DISCOVERY board. As i am beginner so i have created a project for simple hello world program .When i am trying to download a build into target it is showing the following error- "Launching Test_helloworld' has encountered a...

SMISH.2 by Associate II
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