QSPI - How to exit memory mapped mode
Hi, How to exit from qspi memory mapped mode?Thanks in advance.
Hi, How to exit from qspi memory mapped mode?Thanks in advance.
I am working on stm32f429 and micro controller reset every 500 ms, iwdg is not active but, it seems, it is activated by hardware or something which force cpu reset. How can i get rid of this?Please help, BR,
In my Nucleo while debugging STLINK LD1(RED and GREEN) is not blinking. I study with some of documents. it is communication error, But the debugging is is normalPlease tell me what is the problem ? Any settings to change ?I have attached the photo. N...
I have generated MDK-ARM project from the USART_3_Receive_Send example from stm32 mat target example, I have successfully compiled all and burned to stm32f103 board, when connected to terminal it finds, it is sending unknown chartacters to terminalI ...
Hi Everyone ! I have a problem for calculating timer for 1ms. I attached configuration for clock and timer.As I understand Timer2 uses APB1 Clock Bus but for timer it will be APB1x2 if APB1 prescaler is not " 1 "So when I use Prescaler 59999 for 60Mh...
Hi, I am using two Identical board, both board installed with a STM32F733ZE, and both have the same program loaded.The program is very simple where if an interrupt from PG0, will reset the PWM counter of TIM8. provided with the same interrupt source,...
I have nucleo-64 STM32L476 board. I have initialised ADC. I am able to read all the three channels ( that I configured in cube Mx) correctly using DMA.Then I added SD interface. I was able to read and write in the SD Card as well. But as soon as I in...
Dear people,I do not understand the following behavior of the STM32H755ZI:I implemented a stack test by configuring a safety zone with MPU. When the stack overflows, the MemManage Handler is called. So far so good.In this MemManage Handler I only sav...
Hi all,I'm working on Full-duplex SPI with Cube-MX and HAL.I'm going to dynamically set the SPI mode(Master/ Slave). So, init the SPI according to the input pin (input pin=1 for master and 0 for slave). The master MCU Transmit and the slave receive c...
hi,dear all i want to know why the CAN_IT_FMP0 and CAN_IT_FMP1 interrupts are DISBALED in the CAN_Receive_IT () function of the HAL library?Thanks and regards