Hi everyone!i have an issue with communication! As shown below, when I press the green button I want to toggle led on the IoT board & when it’s the red I want to toggle WiFi ble led( I didn’t find an other user led)if i press the red button it works ...
The STM32F303RBT6 ADC2_IN3(PIN PA6) is connect to GND .When the pin PC4 set high,the ADC_IN3 read a abnormal data 0x70. When the pin PC4 set low,the ADC_IN3 read a normal data 0x00. Which the PC4 set high,is affect theADC2_IN3 sa...
Hello,I have a doubt about the amount of SRAM available on the STM32H7B3.In the datasheet it is indicated 1184kB (setion embedded SRAM), but the linker script indicates 1024kB.In the datasheet, there is not much detail on this.My goal is to use for a...
Hello. I am looking a way to read values from multiple channels of ADC module of a L031K6 MCU. Following an example in youtube I tried to use interrupt method. In the video he uses a F051R8Tx MCU. I develop code in STM32CubeIDE and tried the same ADC...
Is there a way to reset the timer (TIM4,3) via interrupt pin without using the interrupt handler/vector table?
Greetings,I am dealing with a STM32H743ZI MCU and many of its embedded peripherals, the board is a NUCLEO H743ZI2I encounter a strange behaviour regarding SPI configuration, for SPI 1 the MOSI pinout works as expected, but for SPI 3 and SPI 4 the MOS...
hello, anyone having sample code of external eeprom ic m24m01 i2c communication.
I am using STM32H743 nucleo board for the purposes mentioned below. I create the project using Cubemx version 5.3.0 and STM firmware is 1.6.0* Creating TTL Output signals* Reading TTL Input Signals*UART-DMA Receive&Transmit*PWM (100us PW, 1ms Period)...