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Forum Posts

Hello Community!! I am trying to send string to UART but it's not transmitting.I am using STM32F030R8T6 Valueline board.However when I am transmitting single char or decimal value it's going.

 sprintf(buffer,"Hello\r\n");  len=strlen(buffer);  HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart1,(uint8_t *)buffer,strlen(buffer), 0xFFFF);  HAL_Delay(100); // just in case required delay is given2. ch=83;   HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart1, &ch...

ADain.1 by Associate II
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Missing HAL User manual for v1.8.0

I created a new project with the CubeMX for the STM32F205RC. I want to use the CAN-bus interface and use my old code (that uses the HAL library), but get a lot of errors. Seen the changelog and want to update my code, but the User manual for the HAL ...

Mvan.12 by Associate II
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Value optimized out when reading from ADC.

Hello everyone,i'm encountering a strange issue, I'm trying to read from the ADC on a STM32f429zi.When my pin is grounded the value of the ADC is not 0 but around 1000. When i try to debug the value it doesn't give me any result but says: <optimized ...

MReyn by Associate II
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Resolved! SMT32G030 and Unique Device ID is missing.

Is there any plan to provide Unique Device ID registers, together with second calibration point for Temperature Sensor in STM32G030xx?Initially, I expected these data being missing in stm32g030xx.h and DS by simple mistake. I really miss these 2 feat...