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STM32L476RG USART not transmitting?

I'm trying to send exactly 8 bits of data, and check my results with tera terminal, however I'm not seeing anything come up. I noticed that on the block diagram for the STM32L476RG nucleo board, that the APB1 Bus is also connected to AHB1, but there ...

kfg4 by Associate
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how to run code from RAM without erase Flash?

Hi all,I have a custom board, MCU is STM32F103ZE, I want to debug from RAM but I don't konw how to set the truestudio.I konw how to do it in the KEIL, but for truestudio, I am a stranger.for example,I download the program A to mcu flash, it work well...

JChen by Associate
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Resolved! STM32F746 SPI basic usage

Hi everybody! I've been struggling with this monster for a few days now. I'm trying to make it do some very basic (pun not intended) things and I have little hair left... But let's cut a (too) long story short: I'd like to send with the SPI a few byt...

luch by Associate III
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