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Forum Posts

Resolved! STM32H753 schematic and footprint

Hi, where can I find schematic and footprint for STM32H753 (or STM32H7 xx family) for Altium? In the STM32H7 and STM32H753 page I cant find nothing.Best regardsGMG

GMG by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32H7 triggering ADC with TIM6 TRGO

The ADC (ADC3 if that's relevant) provides for triggering by way of the TIM6 TRGO event. I have the ADC configured to convert with "ExternalTrigConv" pointing to ADC_EXTERNAL_TRIG_T6_TRGO, and the update event's rising edge. In no case am I able to g...

n2wx by Senior
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Resolved! EEPROM on the H7xx would be nice

I'm not sure how many H7xx applications deploy without EEPROMs. Everything I've touched in the last 5 years in the F3xx and H7xx line needed an EEPROM for the usual customer side configuration persistence requirement. My customers prefer to take the...

n2wx by Senior
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Audio Driver Issue on STM32F769I-Discovery board

I am using STM32F769I-Discovery board with STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.16.0. I have the following issues on the audio driver functionality: I am trying to record the audio with sample audio application provided as part of this package. The driver by default ...

RSani.1 by Associate
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STM32F746 SPI DMA Transmit and Receive issue.

Hello, I generated project with STM32CubeMX. I configured it in SPI slave with DMA Seems like memory increment mode in not working. When I check register DMA_SxCR MINC is off. But when I checked hdma_spi2_rx.Init.MemInc , its has correct DMA_MINC_E...