DMA transfer
I want to ask for serial line is there any limitation os using DMA transfer for slow periodc data??Thanks in advance for any help.
I want to ask for serial line is there any limitation os using DMA transfer for slow periodc data??Thanks in advance for any help.
Hi,I am using STM32L0 MCUI am using HAL_USART_TRANSMIT function to send data to a computerI am using Timer interrupt to ensure that UART transmits data every secondBut when i see log on computer ,its not exactly 1 sec, and this change also varies wit...
I am using the stm32f103 and trying to display a text on a screen via DMA to the USART 2 device. I guess I will turn on the usart2 TX dma (DMAT) request when I need it and turn it off after the current transmission is complete (i.e. in the DMA1_Chann...
as I proposed some time ago, now products->Mikrocontrollers->Resources lists also datasheets. That way, one does not have to check the individual product pages for datasheet updates.Some other proposal however is still pending:List the documents newe...
I've searched through the internet but i'm not able to find any firmware or source for coding the STWBC, atleast a few examples on how to do it. STM provides a binary as firmware to download and use it directly on the evaluation board. But i want to ...
I'm having a problem where I'm controlling 9 LEDs with timers. Whenever I enter stand-by mode, the LEDs turn on/stay on. I want them to turn off. I can shut them down before stand-by mode but as I enter, they turn on. I've tried switching timers in...
Hello,I'm struggling to get the SPI Slave on my STM32F4 running. I send 9 Byte from the master every 1ms with soft NSS: HAL_GPIO_WritePin( MCU_CS_GPIO_Port, MCU_CS_Pin, GPIO_PIN_RESET ); SPISlaveTXdata[0] = frameCounter++; SPISlaveTXdata[1] = sys_g...
hey guys,i'm programming a two motor control system, and must take each of motor current information. (my MCU's ADC setting : DMA, TRGO.)when i get ADC's value using hal libraries, how can i get each of ADC1, ADC2 value???In simple terms : I want...
Hello, I'm developing a custom board based on STM32F072B-DISCOVERY board.I have an external PWM source with variable frequency (from 200Hz to 10Khz), i need to count how many pulses it generates. How can it be done? PS. I've tried with Imput Compare ...
The CR1 register stays 0 (as well as CR2, it looks like all UART2 registers are 0). My first thought was that the Bus is not enabled - as UART1 is on APB2 and UART 2 and 3 are on APB1 , but I enable UART2 bus - this is the enable code : /* Enable G...